Calculating the wood volume of sample trees
Beside territorial data wood volume is the second most important calculated parameter in a forest inventory. It is calculated with a function fitted by dr. László Király to the data of Wood volume calculation tables constructed by Sopp László.
It is common knowledge that Wood volume calculation tables contain the total over bark volume of wood above ground level, which also contains the leaves of coniferous species.
Function form:

where v stands for wood volume,
d is diameter at breast height
h is tree height,
p1,...,p4 are parameters,
k stands for power index.
The function presented with all of its parameters above can be used to calculate both total wood volume and merchantable timber volume.
Breast height diameter measurements are taken of all the sample trees at a sampling plot, and height values are available for each specimen as described in the section on "Generating missing heights". Based on the above and considering information available about whether sample trees are animate or dead, wood volume can be calculated. Calculations are performed with a dll module that can be loaded into Field-Map. The calculation produces the wood volume of a sample tree with reference to the sampling circle, which may then be extrapolated to a hectare and used as a basis for additional calculations as necessary.
The following paragraphs present correlations for tree species that have no independent parameters and function parameters.
Wood volume tables recommended for other tree species | |
Recommended volume table | Tree species |
Acacia | Other acacia varieties |
Beech | Other beech |
Turkey oak | Downy oak Italian downy oak |
Black walnut | Common walnut |
Hornbeam | Other hornbeam |
Pedunculate oak | Lateleafing oak, Slavonian oak, Hungarian oak |
Sessile oak | Pin oak, Other oak varieties,Elms, Bird cherry, Mahaleb cherry, Ground cherry, Hagberry, Black cherry, Wild apple tree, Wild pear, White mulberry, Sorbus, Sweet chestnut, Sycamoretrees, Hackberry trees, Honey locust, Honey tree, Silverberry tree, Koelreuteria, Osage orange, Other hardwood deciduous tree species, Horse chestnut, Tree of heaven, Common catalpa |
Common ash | Ash trees |
Common walnut | Birch trees |
Common alder | Alder trees |
White willow | Willow clones, other willow trees |
Black poplar | Tiszahát poplar, Lombardy poplar |
Robusta poplar | Italian poplar, Populus regenerata, Populus gerlica, Populus Sárvár, Populus Blanc du Poitou, PopulusBL, Populus Pannonia, Populus I-45/51, Populus I-154, Populus I-273, PopulusH-328, Populus S-611c, Populus Triplo, Populus poplar, Populus alba x Populus grandidentata cv. Favorit, Populus I-58/57, Other P.x euramericana |
Douglas fir | Douglas fir trees |
Scotch pine | Pinus strobus, Pinus sylvestrisvarieties, Common juniper, Virginia juniper, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Taxodium distichum, Taxus baccata, Platycladus orientalis, Thuja occidentalis, Pinaceae |
Black pine | Jack pine, Other black pine trees |
Fir | Nordmann fir, Other fir trees |
Spruce | Serbian spruce, Oriental spruce, Pacific silver fir, Other spruce trees |
Larch | Japanese larch, Other larch trees |
Stationary tree cubage function parameters for total wood
name | Intercept | h*d | d | h | k |
p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | k | |
Acacia | 3.2003E+03 | 2.9442E-01 | -1.8069E+00 | -8.4771E+00 | 4 |
Beech | 4,6130E+03 | 7,1602E-01 | -5,2382E+00 | -3,4003E+01 | 1 |
Turkeyoak | 3,5023E+03 | -1,5094E-01 | 8,3832E+00 | 1,3218E+00 | 2 |
Blackwalnut | 2.6353E+03 | -6.5142E-01 | 3.5781E+01 | 1.0963E+01 | 4 |
Hornbeam | 2,6863E+03 | -6,6721E-01 | 4,9944E+01 | 2,2083E+01 | 2 |
Mapletrees | 4,1732E+03 | -8,4755E-03 | 4,9389E-01 | -8,4324E+00 | 1 |
Pedunculateoak | 2,3979E+03 | -5,2279E-01 | 2,5230E+01 | 2,5880E+01 | 4 |
Sessileoak | 2,7771E+03 | -7,5112E-01 | 3,1496E+01 | 3,0352E+01 | 3 |
2,8171E+03 | 6,2094E-02 | -1,0991E+00 | 1,9500E+01 | 3 | |
4,4289E+03 | 2,0855E-01 | -1,2585E+01 | -1,2265E+01 | 1 | |
Agathe-Fpoplar | 2,2920E+03 | 1,4296E-01 | -6,3633E+00 | 3,0914E+01 | 4 |
Alder | 3,6318E+03 | -2,5983E-02 | 2,7393E+00 | 1,5578E+00 | 1 |
Whitewillow | 3,2188E+03 | 1,4227E-01 | -3,7035E+00 | -1,1502E+01 | 3 |
Whitepoplar | 3,1848E+03 | -3,4369E-01 | 1,0211E+01 | 2,4682E+00 | 3 |
Blackpoplar | 3,4216E+03 | -9,6765E-02 | 3,1602E+00 | -9,3335E+00 | 2 |
Lindens | 4,1422E+03 | 1,3081E-01 | -2,7146E+00 | -1,9825E+01 | 1 |
I-214poplar | 2,3411E+03 | -1,3816E-01 | 1,4439E+01 | 1,5625E+01 | 4 |
Serotinapoplar | 2,6780E+03 | -3,5070E-01 | 1,0302E+01 | 1,2449E+01 | 3 |
Marilandicapoplar | 2,7200E+03 | -1,5568E-01 | 8,4776E+00 | 6,3624E+00 | 2 |
Commonwalnut | 4,7389E+03 | 1,1636E+00 | -3,5994E+01 | -4,0625E+01 | 1 |
Robustapoplar | 3,1991E+03 | -1,4467E-01 | 7,3741E+00 | 7,8955E-01 | 2 |
Tremblingpoplar | 2,9624E+03 | -3,9647E-01 | 1,5260E+01 | 1,4990E+01 | 3 |
Douglasfir | 3,8939E+03 | 2,5449E-01 | -1,8017E+01 | -8,1867E+00 | 3 |
Scotchpines | 3,2381E+03 | 5,1273E-02 | 5,7325E+00 | -1,4593E+01 | 4 |
Blackpine | 3,3482E+03 | -2,2665E-01 | 1,1599E+01 | -3,0405E+00 | 4 |
Fir | 5,3501E+03 | -1,2820E-02 | 1,0617E+00 | -3,9182E+01 | 1 |
Spruces | 3,9833E+03 | -1,5907E-01 | -8,3139E+00 | 5,0847E+00 | 3 |
Larches | 2,6830E+03 | 4,8460E-03 | -1,4928E+01 | 4,0281E+01 | 3 |
Stationary tree cubage function parameters for merchantable timer volume
Merchantable timer volume (up to 5 cm of apical diameter)
name | Intercept | h*d | d | h | k |
p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | k | |
Acacia | 1,9540E+03 | -3,7062E-01 | 1,8878E+01 | 2,7989E+01 | 4 |
Beech | 3,1425E+03 | 8,4423E-02 | 1,0522E+01 | 9,9836E+00 | 1 |
Turkeyoak | 2,6897E+03 | -2,5748E-01 | 8,9831E+00 | 2,4665E+01 | 2 |
Blackwalnut | 1,8812E+03 | -6,2026E-01 | 3,2456E+01 | 3,1376E+01 | 4 |
Hornbeam | 1,3148E+03 | -9,3930E-01 | 5,7440E+01 | 5,3458E+01 | 2 |
Mapletrees | 2,6310E+03 | -7,0879E-01 | 1,1778E+01 | 4,8825E+01 | 1 |
Pedunculateoak | 1,8370E+03 | -4,0025E-01 | 2,2483E+01 | 3,6639E+01 | 4 |
Sessileoak | 1,6033E+03 | -1,3170E+00 | 4,8323E+01 | 6,1774E+01 | 3 |
Ash | 1,7577E+03 | -3,6980E-01 | 5,2635E+00 | 5,6955E+01 | 3 |
Red oak | 3,4497E+03 | -2,3919E-01 | -5,9937E-01 | 1,6149E+01 | 1 |
Agathe-Fpoplar | 1,5950E+03 | 8,7700E-01 | -1,3105E+01 | 2,2206E+01 | 4 |
Alder | 3,0536E+03 | 1,6029E-01 | -8,2106E+00 | 1,8560E+01 | 1 |
Whitewillow | 2,3295E+03 | -1,6651E-01 | 5,9793E+00 | 1,2529E+01 | 3 |
Whitepoplar | 2,6870E+03 | -1,3914E-01 | -4,3734E-01 | 1,6671E+01 | 3 |
Blackpoplar | 2,8568E+03 | -2,1782E-01 | 4,4907E+00 | 7,5839E+00 | 2 |
2,7540E+03 | -4,6325E-01 | 6,9487E+00 | 3,0253E+01 | 1 | |
I-214poplar | 1,4837E+03 | -4,0770E-01 | 2,4319E+01 | 3,3255E+01 | 4 |
Serotinapoplar | 1,8015E+03 | -5,7729E-01 | 1,3425E+01 | 3,7813E+01 | 3 |
Marilandicapoplar | 1,9688E+03 | -3,5080E-01 | 7,6528E+00 | 3,1661E+01 | 2 |
Commonwalnut | 3,2856E+03 | 4,2217E-01 | -2,0960E+01 | 1,0212E+01 | 1 |
Robustapoplar | 2,3435E+03 | -3,3783E-01 | 5,4720E+00 | 2,6970E+01 | 2 |
Tremblingpoplar | 2,2362E+03 | -3,3433E-01 | 8,9784E+00 | 3,5897E+01 | 3 |
Douglasfir | 3,4373E+03 | 2,5412E-01 | -2,0809E+01 | 5,4748E+00 | 3 |
Scotchpine | 2,3544E+03 | 4,6849E-02 | 7,9423E-01 | 1,1756E+01 | 4 |
Blackpine | 2,4087E+03 | -5,2479E-02 | 1,5650E+00 | 2,2255E+01 | 4 |
Fir | 4,7538E+03 | 2,1423E-02 | -3,8507E+00 | -2,1655E+01 | 1 |
Spruce | 3,4650E+03 | -1,4464E-01 | -1,2300E+01 | 2,1448E+01 | 3 |
Larch | 2,3340E+03 | 4,8089E-02 | -1,8491E+01 | 4,9766E+01 | 3 |